Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I think I have an addiction to purses. The first step is always admitting that you have a problem. Is there a 28 day rehab program for purse addiction? Very few things make me as happy as finding a bargain on a purse. I found a bag on NeimanMarcus.com originally way out of my price range that was marked down by over $100. On top of that, I got an additional 25% off this item. But wait-there's more! I also got free shipping! Wow to think some poor sucker actually paid full price for this thing! I mean they were practically giving the bag away! I know I need another purse, (especially a purple one), like I need another credit card, but I swear the thrill of finding a bargain is worth the guilt of second guessing a purchase. Wow that should be on a fortune cookie! Plus there's a very good chance the bag will arrive not as pictured or the color will be hideous, or both, and I'll just slap on the return label and wait for the credit to show up on my bill balance. You can see I've been through this before! And most importantly, I owe it to my co-workers- especially poor Rod Bauman, who was patient enough to help me decide whether or not to order purple or black. I decided the purple looked more expensive. I've attached a photo of both bags. I hope my boyfriend isn't reading this, he's gonna kill me and tell me I don't use all the purses I have now! Hi Honey:)

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