Tuesday, May 26, 2009

JON & KATE + 8

I could care less about the Gosselin family from TLC's Jon & Kate Plus 8, but everywhere I look I see them! I log onto my yahoo mail and they are in the headlines. I open my mailbox and they are on the cover of my last 3 copies of US Weekly. I turn on the TV and they are on every morning news and entertainment show. I turn on TLC and it's another Jon & Kate Plus 8 marathon! I promised myself I wouldn't blog about these fools, but I can't ignore it. I will however refrain from the usual clever Jon & Kate equations that have been in the headlines like Jon-Kate + 8= divorce court, or Jon +4- Kate + 4 = marriage counseling. Oops I just did it anyway. Don't get me started on people who exploit their multiple birth experience and children so they don't have to hold down a real job! Before their reality show meal ticket, Kate was a nurse and Jon did some computer job, but now neither one works. Instead they look miserable sitting together or separately on a confessional couch and complain about the paparazzi that has allowed them to continually upgrade themselves to a bigger McMansion. The show is so uncomfortable to watch now as Jon & Kate try to ignore each other and pretend they are still one big happy, crazy family for the cameras! According to the tabloids, Jon cheated on Kate with some college chick and Kate is hanging with her body guard. Whether that's true or not is not my concern, but clearly the tension between them is visible. And it doesn't stop there. TLC also airs shows called Table for 12 and 18 Kids and Counting! What is next? These people make the Octomom look practical. These shows are making people think they can get a free ride with a little product placement and a house full of cameras! I feel sorry for the kids. They will need therapy and I hope for their sake it won't be televised!

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